Our 2024 wedding parties are looking for ways to identify and feel individual with their wedding day style. Identical bridesmaid dresses for your wedding party are out, and the individual bridesmaid look is so totally in.

Here are some tips on how to make the most of this bridesmaid fashion trend and how to pull it off effortlessly.
1. When deciding your bridesmaid dresses, pick a designer that has a wide variety of dresses in different colors and styles. This allows you to select the style that is best fitting for each body type. Then choose the colors you love, decide whether you want everyone to be in one dress or style, or if you want them to all be individual in their looks.

2. The other way is to choose a color scheme. Blue is a popular color right now to pull this off. The blue color has varying tones and can lead to silver or green. Adding prints into the mix gives the look an added wow factor. Girls can go with dresses in the same hue, patterns, textures, or accents that tie the looks all together.

3. Trusting your bridal dress shop is another way to go. They are able to guide you through the whole process knowing the colors and shades that flow flawlessly together. We have our own local favorites (give us a shout to learn who is the best!) or find a confidant in your local area who can steer you in the direction to pull your whole look together.

It’s as simple as having the same dress style in different colors, the same dress color in different styles or, the over the top look of each girl in a different color and complementary print.
Adding the bridesmaid’s attire into your overall wedding design can bring more of your personality and uniqueness into your wedding day. We love our couple’s personalities to shine through for their weddings and this is one of my favorites in doing so.
Trendy Color Combinations
Installations and Design
Accent Rentals
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